Friday, July 19, 2013

I can save you $12,000 by working from home!

The average working parent can save over $12,000 a year by working from home. Do you really NEED more of a reason?? I can also help you to DOUBLE your current income... ASK ME HOW!

Working from home can save you money

According to William Frierson of College There are several ways you can save money by working from home. When you crunch the numbers you may be losing $12,000 a year commuting to your current JOB, risking your health, and losing precious days of your life!

9. Gas! Do the math! The average worker drives 30 miles/60 minutes each day. Even if you take two weeks of time off per year and equals 250 days of driving and gas. This is approximately $1,120. If you are in the car for an hour it also means you have lost over 250 hours from your year! That is more than 10 days you LOST!

8.  Car Maintenance. The median is cost for car maintenance is $312. If you drive just for recreation, this could be greatly reduced and the risk of bigger issues eliminated because of the lack of wear and tear!

7. Dry Cleaning & Laundering. Seriously! If you take your shirts, skirts, slacks, and jackets to the dry cleaners, you are throwing away money. I would take my spouses shirts to the cleaners once a month for a total of $50. That is $600 a year! If you have slacks, skirts, or jackets cleaned your costs can greatly increase!

6. Lunches & Coffee. Some people LOVE their coffee and LOVE a quick treat lunch out with co-workers!  $5 for lunch and $3 coffee doesn’t seem like much, but do that twice a week and 50 weeks a year…. $800… no joke!

5. Professional Wardrobe. If we spend an average of $1,800 a year on clothing, we could assume a third of that goes towards work clothing… $600? Give or take depending on your JOB.

4. Tax Deductions. By working on someone else’s office and not your own dedicated office space in your home, you are losing $3,000 in home office deductions or $750 lost tax obligation savings.

3. “Real” Salary. Remember that 1 hour you lose each day commuting? You should fraction that into your hourly wage and salary. If you make $15 per 8 hour day, your commute is costing you $3,750. If you make an average of $20 an hour, your commute is costing you $5,000. $25 an hour? $6,250!

2. Childcare & Afterschool Care. Do you have children? Grand children? I know many parents have fractioned in the cost of childcare or afterschool care into their budget… is it enough to make you change your mind? Even just at a combined total of $300 for ½ day and afterschool care for two children, a family is spending $3,600 a year. If your children do not go to school year-round you may have to pay even more for the summer months. Do you have grandchildren in daycare? Would you be willing and able to take them half-days and save your children some money?

1. Although intangible, your health is the number 1 reason you should work from home. Commuting causes stress. Work space causes stress. Co-Workers cause stress.  Bosses cause stress. Can you imagine the reduction in your stress if the boss was not looking over your shoulder? If your co-workers couldn’t stop by your desk to ask meaningless questions? If you could eat lunch without distraction? Not worry about the added time it takes to get ready every morning or fight traffic every evening?

What does this MEAN? By working your current JOB you are losing approximately $12,782 each year and more than 10 days worth of time is spent commuting. How can you change that? You can ask your current boss if you can work from home!  Even one day working from home could reduce

In an average 50 work-week year at 40 hours a week, you have just LOWERED your hourly wage by..... $6.65 (I sure hope I did that math right!)


Frierson, W. (July 12, 2013). 9 ways working from home saves you money. College Recruiter Blog. Retrieved from